understanding and functioning computer server and client computers

Assalamualaikum wr.wb 
Hello friends today I'll post about the meaning and function of the computer server and client computers. Penjelasanya is as follows .....

1. Computer servers
a. Understanding server computer
    Computer Server is a system that provides various types of services, and can be accessed by the client computer that is being associated in a network, be it the Internet or interanet. The more simple it is the party that gave meksimal resource for use by the client computer, but the computer server itself does not use the resources of another computer. Given its job fairly large and generally must be capable of operating for 24 hours, then the computer server must be supported sepesifikasi that mempuni and tend to be different than on regular computers. Besides the server computer must also have a specific operating system or commonly referred to as a network operating system.

b. Function Computer Servers
    The server computer to function as a unit that stores various forms infirmasi, once served as the manager of a computer network. Computer server was in charge of serving the client computer or workstation connected to the network. Given the position of the server computer that houses many client computers at once, because that network devices komputerb this one is often dubbed as commuter Indic.

2. Client Computer
a. Understanding the client computer
    Client computer is a computer that is used to perform the processing of data taken from the server computer. Simply put the client computer is the party that gets the services of a computer server, if the server computer is often called the host computer, then the client computer is more often referred to as workstation or Note.

b. Client computers function
    In a network, the client computer function that allows users to access the service or services of the server computer. Given everything that happened systems in a network is only done by a computer that serves as a server, then the client computer is able to provide aksesyang fast enough for users (humans) because it will not be burdened with processing or other tasks.

    Thank you probably just that sajah that I can give to all my friends ask ma'af what if there are errors in my writing if there is an error please comment so I can justify it. Sekalilagi thank you for your interest for Visiting my blog.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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