How to avoid yourself from drugs


The role of parents is important
       Friend, we as young people and people of Indonesia must be intelligent communication and responsiveness in addressing the dangers of drug abuse. The initial step that we can do them with emphasis on the dangers of drug abuse, beritaberita in media cetakmaupun elekteronik media and even through exhibitions that are often carried out by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN)
Here are some tips for the younger generation as well as massyarakat generally be free of drugs and in order mendikung national program to create a "drug free Indonesia"

Tips to avoid themselves from drugs

1. Increase faith and piety, all religions teach goodness. One and Peerless are to abstain with illicit goods, namely drugs, drug trafficking, and liquor. With keimaan and piety bersimber of personal self, we will be able to menghin of themselves from abuse and trafficking of drugs wipe.

2. Siapkandiri and mentally to refuse when offered drugs. Self and mental ability in avoiding drug abuse early start from the family, school and community. From a good environment will arise personal good also on every indipidunya.

3. Be careful in choosing friends hang out. In the association we also must be selective in choosing friends. we choose friends that can improve our knowledge and add value pesitif for ourselves. especially at this time, the association has been very "free" in the sense that no border restrictions. In fact, the association that there are procedures. Good relationships will shape us into personal good and able to win drug abuse.

4. Study abroad said "Tida" when offered with good reason, if tida able to immediately leave the place. If someone is trying to offer us contraband (drugs) in whatever form we have to say "No" and with good reason. Do not get offended. People who take drugs will usually behave beringas.kalau tida were immediately able to leave it where it is. And do not ever met the person, the better to escape.

5. Increase perestasi to mengejr future goals and desires are more noble. seagai younger generation, better improve perestasi to pursue the ideals and desires beginning of the time spent on useless things. Drugs make our lives menadi vain, narkona memebuat we regret in the future we are going to be. Penalah avoid yourself from drug use was more mainstream.

6. To fill the spare time to do the one thing that is positive. Bnyak of our confusion in filling spare wakti sometimes we end up on free pergailan salahyaitu choice. Though many positifyang activities we can do. For example, by following the vocational training courses or to gardening.

How mengaakan "no" to drugs:
If there are people who strive for excellent service, give us CUMC-Just contraband drugs we should be able menolakny. Say: "No", "Sorry I'm not interested", "For this one ma'af deh .... I can not".

a. If orng it looks violent and utmost force, but the gaze of people who offer these drugs, be Tanang and fleeting if he masi offer saying: "I had no other business", or "Sorry I have to go," or "I was there exam tomorrow and I have to study at home, "or" I was in a doctor's care and should not I use any other drugs without permission dokte ".

b. Change the subject, for example the problem of sports, movies, arts, and others. By switching talks expected the person will feel that we are not tertarikdengan what she has to offer.

c. If you still memeksa leave them. The most effective step is to leave them and not once tried drugs.

Remember friends that our future is determined BY OUR OWN not others, when friends all want to be successful in the future or the future abstain from illicit goods, namely drugs. Okay


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